Keyword research is the bedrock of any successful CBD SEO strategy. 

For success in CBD marketing, understanding and employing the best practices of keyword research is vital.

Effective CBD keyword research involves understanding your audience, identifying primary and secondary keywords, using long-tail keywords, comprehending user intent, and considering local SEO. Tools like Google Autocomplete and SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool aid in the research. Analyzing competitors, monitoring keyword trends, and tracking results help optimize strategies. Successful SEO relies on leveraging insights strategically and consistently producing high-quality content.

Today, we’ll look at effective keyword research strategies and tools to best find high impact keywords.

Understand Your Audience

Before you begin, have a clear understanding of who your audience is and what they’re likely searching for. Conduct market research to gather this information.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 1 is has the largest dataset in provides 2023 demographic data for cannabis consumption revealing key info to help you better tailor content that best suits your audience.

Identify Primary & Secondary Keywords

Begin by identifying your primary and secondary keywords. 

Primary keywords are directly related to your CBD product, like “CBD oil” or “CBD edibles.” 

Secondary keywords, however, are related terms that add context, such as “benefits of CBD oil” or “vegan CBD edibles.”

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords, typically phrases of three or more words, are equally important in CBD marketing. 

They are specific and often less competitive, providing an opportunity to reach a targeted audience. 

Examples could include “best CBD oil for sleep” or “organic CBD edibles for anxiety.”

The best way to use long-tail keywords is to find keywords that are asking a question.

A few examples of long tail question keywords include.

  1. Can I take CBD before colonoscopy?
  2. Do CBD candles work?
  3. Can CBD oil cause swelling in the feet?

Understand User Intent

Understanding user intent behind CBD searches is key. 

Are users looking for information (“what is CBD oil?”), or are they ready to purchase (“buy CBD oil online”)? 

Users are typically either searching for information to answer a question or they’re searching to buy the product now.

By answering these questions, you can create content that aligns with your audience’s intent.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 2

Consider Local SEO

Local SEO also plays a pivotal role in CBD keyword research. 

If you have a physical presence or target a specific geographical area, including location-based keywords like “CBD oil in New York” can attract local customers.

Use Keyword Research Tools

Two powerful keyword research tools include.

  1. Autocomplete
  2. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 3

Google Autocomplete autocomplete allows you to enter seed keywords to see a list of related keywords that enough people are searching for that makes Google recommend these keywords.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 4

SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool

This tool is one of the most powerful methods for finding the best cannabis keywords that rank fast.

To start with this tool, simply enter your seed keyword into the search box.

Next, quick the “Questions” button to find long tail keywords that are easier to rank for that shorter keywords.

Set the Keywrod Difficulty (KD) to between 0-50% and then sort by easiest KD.

From here, go through the list and find the most relevant keywords that you believe best harmonize with your brand.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 5

Analyze Your Competitors

Look at what keywords your competitors are ranking for. 

These could be potential opportunities for your business.

Monitor Keyword Trends

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. 

Regularly check keyword trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Track Your Results

Use Analytics to track how your keywords are performing. 

This can guide future keyword strategy and help you understand what’s working and what’s not.

Common keyword tracking tools.

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Search Console
  3. SEMrush Position Tracking
CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 6

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Google Search Console

One of the first keyword research strategies I use is to find search phrases that are ranking on page two or three.

These keywords are going to be one of the easiest way to quickly rank on page one of the Google SERP.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 7

Bing Webmaster

Bing Webmaster is possibly the most overlooked cannabis keyword research tool.

This tool shows keywords that older generations are typically searching.

Since Bing is the default search engine on new PC computers sold, lots of people are still using this search engine.

CBD Keyword Research Best Practices 8

SEMrush Position Tracking

Once you’ve identified your most valuable keywords, it might be a good idea to track how each of these keywords ranks over time.

This method provides an easy way to visually understand how certain keywords are performing to give you insight on how best to approach further optimization.

Final Thoughts About CBD Keyword Research Best Practices

Mastering CBD keyword research is not just about understanding the best practices, but about implementing them strategically and continuously refining your approach. 

The landscape of SEO and digital marketing is dynamic and ever-evolving, especially in industries like CBD, where regulations and market trends frequently shift.

Keeping a pulse on your audience, staying abreast with industry trends, and consistently tracking your results are key to navigating this landscape effectively.